First of all S. made a point on different Nomad definitions: 1) before the birth of agriculture. The explorers 2) Homeless/Outsiders. Living in the edges. 3) People In transit. Definitively in my project the reason for the movement of my project is about people in between 2 places, two states of mind.

We talked about solutions available: capsule/temporary/transport. But still without a domestic, no sense of belonging to that place. It seems to me that they talk about more about a solution to a physical issue of no space.

Memories that will create communities and Network. You do not share things you think they may not be possible or that are located in the future. You have to make people to bring the narrative with them. It is not looking forward because that will make them unhappy. How did I get here? Learn from the past and refuse to be a victim.
Doubt: What will happen with tensions with sharing? Concept of Gangs, new frontiers, . Question: How do you share your container? You do not have anymore a place to show , you meet in a Specific Place.

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este post me interesa de forma brutal!
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