29 jun 2010
23 jun 2010
∞ ... 8
22 jun 2010
Capturing the movement
Photo of the week
21 jun 2010
Brit Insurance Designs of the Year 2010 (part 2)
19 jun 2010
Critical Journal
17 jun 2010
16 jun 2010
Nuestro radar.es es un fanzine que nace en 2010 con la pretensión de rastrear, localizar, identificar, destacar y analizar lo mejor, y también lo peor, del panorama cultural.
15 jun 2010
Aware Laundry Lamp
AWARE Laundry Lamp is a combined drying rack and a lamp
AWARE Laundry Lamp is an attempt to combine positive symbols and activities such as hang-drying your clothes outside in the sun, with designing your own lampshade. Go even further, and make a statement with the kind of laundry you put on display. Through this feature, the design comments on the fact that 95 percent of the electricity used in a traditional light bulb is transferred to heat, and only 5 percent to light. Since the creation of AWARE Laundry Lamp, this type of matte lightbulb has been outlawed in the European Union and is not manufactured anymore. The design of the lamp encourages hang-drying instead of tumble-drying clothes, another alternative of drastically reducing electricity consumption on a large scale. Tumble dryers are one of the greatest consumers of electricity at home.
Project team: Loove Broms, Karin Ehrnberger, Sara Ilstedt Hjelm, Erika Lundell, Jin Moen
14 jun 2010
Working with textiles
13 jun 2010
Ma - Ga - nna - Do - ga
Este no es otro texto denuncia, ni quiero justificar a nadie. Pero corren tantos post, new sensacionalistas sobre Madonna vs Gaga, Gaga vs Madonna, que uno se siente con ganas de decir algo.
Her seeds from the avant-garde
Uno de los principales atractivos que transformaron a Zaha Hadid en uno de los grandes referentes de la arquitectura actual lo podemos encontrar en aquellas pinturas de las décadas del 80, principios de los 90. Futurismo, Constructivismo, Fauvismo, Expresionismo... Tantas semillas como base creativa, en una completa relectura de aquellas vanguardias de principios del siglo XX, desafiando al tiempo y a la gravedad.