31 ago 2010

Rooftop Oasis

by Haus Rucker-Co

Parásitos que colonizan la ciudad... traer la naturaleza a la ciudad a los tejados, lugares olvidados por los arquitectos y que son espacios de oportunidad en un modelo de urbanismo agotado.

Me interesa el modelo de burbuja. Espacios dentro de espacios... la necesidad humana de aislarnos...

Parasites that colonize the city ... bring nature into the city's rooftops, places forgotten by the builders, which are areas of opportunity in a model of urban exhausted.

I am interested in the bubble model. Spaces within spaces ... the human need to isolate ...

30 ago 2010

MAID Degree Show 2010 pictures

sorry for the delay... I forgot to update this

MAID 2010

Campaigns go 3D!

29 ago 2010

Tokujin Yoshioka

Venus natural Cristal chair

Camper London

Museum beyond Museum

more projects HERE

28 ago 2010

Erase una vez...

Tensinet Tech-Textil Competition first prize

more info / más información en: http://www.pkmn.es/

me interesa de este proyecto como la estructura portante del proyecto tiene una forma tipológica de casa a dos aguas... sin embargo en el interior el espacio se adapta al contenido y al programa... es un proyecto que me ha echo recordar la tan usada metáfora del la serpiente y el elefante del Principito... siempre recurrente, pero poseedora de una gran verdad

I am interested in this project as the supporting structure of the project has a typological form of a gabled house ... But inside the space suits the content and the program ... is a project to me as echo used to recall the metaphor of the snake and the elephant in the Prince ... ever recurring, but possessed of a great truth

26 ago 2010

Brit Insurance Designs of the Year 2010 (part 3)

BMW car (textile) prototype: GINA

The concept car, ever-so-catchily named the GINA Light Visionary Model, has no rigid body panels. Its minimalist space frame is wrapped in a spandexlike fabric to permit shape-changing features powered by hydraulic and electric controls. To adjust aerodynamics at high speed, the rocker panels morph for better airflow and a seamless spoiler rises at the rear. The grille can widen for cooling. And the headlights hide under fabric that opens, like eyelids, when needed.


24 ago 2010

Dinamic facades part 1

blance tower in Barcelona

ars electronic center

active learning lab

rundle lantern

Peter Marino

La primera vez que fui a la tienda LV en París me pareció horrible... más tarde descubrí el arquitecto ("personaje") detrás de semejante obra de barroquismo consumista... me fascinó una estética personal que leather que se aleja mucho del mundo snob del diseño, de los gafas pasta y hombres de traje negro y camisa blanca... Uno se adentra en su obra y descubre la vanguardia en fachadas multimedia y lo que es un interiorismo de alto standing que roza la extrabagancia pero se queda por el lado de la elegancia (no siempre)

The first time I went to the LV store in Paris I felt horrible ... I later found the architect ("character") behind such a work of baroque consumer ... I was fascinated by a leather personal aesthetic that is very far from snobbish world of design, the pasta and glasses men in black suits and white shirts ... One goes into his work and discover the forefront of media facades and what is an upscale interior that borders on extrabagancia but remains on the side of elegance (not always)

Le dedico este post a David Borrallo mi dear leather bear friend

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