30 jul 2012
26 jul 2012
House DM
A farm in the sloping Pajottenland landscape becomes a private family home and veterinary practise. A masoned brick shaft that connects the practise, the private home and the garden brings order to a cluster of existing buildings. The shaft was nicknamed ‘the rabbit hole’. It leads to an inside yard, which is also finished in brickwork. From the higher location of the castle of Gaasbeek, the brick roofing of the rabbit hole can easily be spotted. Just like the castle, it has become a visually strong and culturally defining element in the landscape.
info via bmasketchbook
21 jul 2012
Tom Dixon Shop Signage
Almost two years ago I did my internship at Design Research Studio at Tom Dixon and part of that work experience was working in the new signage for the new Tom Dixon Shop at the Portobello Dock. Working with bold geometry to indicate the directions and light boxes to stick the vinyls on. The concept is a portable way finding that has been taken also to Milan Design Week 2012 for MOST Salone site.
Hace casi dos año que trabajé por primera vez en Design Research Studio en Tom Dixon. Entre los proyectos que trabaje por aquel entonces está la señalética para la que por aquel entonces era la recién inaugurada primera tienda de Tom Dixon en el Portobello Dock. El diseño reproducido en vinilos que pegados en cajas iluminadas que son transportables y recientemente se han usado en el MOST Salone en Milan 2012.
20 jul 2012
Coach House, Hatfield House
One of the nominees for the Restaurant Bar Design Awards 2012 cafe or fast food category, it has a very interesting concept for dining tables with shelves for herbs and dressing to add to your meal.
by SHH Architects Interior Designers
18 jul 2012
Auditorio Municipal de Teulada
Teulada-Moraira es un núcleo urbano atípico. Dividido en dos unidades físicas diferenciadas por la distancia, resulta ser sin embargo una única unidad administrativa.
La parcela que ocupa el nuevo Auditorio de Teulada-Moraira se localiza físicamente en el primer núcleo, el más alto, el de Teulada. Forma parte de un nuevo desarrollo urbano y se sitúa en el punto más elevado de la ciudad. Desde este lugar se distingue, a través del valle jalonado de pequeñas edificaciones blancas, la ciudad de Moraira junto al mar.
Se trata pues de un edificio que debido a su singular situación topográfica será visto desde ambos núcleos, actuando en cierta manera como símbolo de una unidad urbana que aunque no se sustenta en una continuidad física sí lo hace en unas intensidades territoriales, paisajísticas y por supuesto culturales.
Esta especial significación urbana y paisajística del edificio le otorga sin duda una importancia que va más allá de la que se derivaría de su simple condición de objeto, y sustenta las decisiones fundamentales en lo que a la configuración y definición formal de la propuesta se refiere. Las características topográficas y los desniveles del solar se convierten igualmente en condiciones activas de la solución.
15 jul 2012
The Monsoon Club
by Serie Architects
The project consists in a three-dimensional carpet as a suspended ceiling. The suspension of the thread is organized as a pixilated grid of almost seven thousand 150 mm diameter holes which were cut into 120 plywood panels that are suspended from the Terrace Gallery ceiling.
14 jul 2012
Red Bull Music Academy
In many ways this project shares the logic of a Russian matryoshka doll. Not only in the most literal, physical sense, in which one thing is directly incorporated into another, but also in a temporal sense, in which oneactually originates within the other. The initial circumstancesof this project established a favorable backdrop for this condition: The Red Bull Music Academy (RBMA) is a nomadic annual music festival. For the last 14 years, this event has been held in a different world city, welcoming the sixty pre-selected international participants and surrounding them with musicians, producers, and DJs, thereby giving them the opportunity to experiment with and exchange knowledge and ideas about the world of music.
more information @Archdaily.com
The Matadero space in Madrid is a very interesting cultural space that has hold many projects of architecture and art with the initiative to create a place that changes with each intervention.
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