Maarten Baas conquers the World of Design with a collection of burnt furniture, better known as “Smoke”. Armchairs, chandeliers, chests of drawers ecc. have been treated with epoxy and then put on fire. The result on their shapes and the black colour due to flames arouses on 2003 at the Salone del Mobile in Milan an incredible and enormous succes. During this occasion, the Newyorker gallerist Murray Moss gives him the task of “smoking” the furniture of Rietveld, Sottsas and Noguchi, and this chance allows him to take part in all the most relevant Design environments of the whole world. Therefore his creations are exhibited in Tokyo, inside the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, in New York in the Murray Moss Gallery, and of course in Holland, inside the Groninger Museum and in the Stedelijke Museum in Amsterdam.
like it or not is design history already!
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