3 abr 2010

The MA. A Museum

Recently my mother went to Granada to visit this beautiful building... she was suprised about it, she is not a fan of Campo Baeza, but she admited his genious in the Museo de la Memoria de Andalucía.

In his website it is written a quote from the geografer Strabo who said about the inhabitants of Andalusia: "the most cultivated of the Iberians, whose laws are written in verse".

1 comentario:

DavidBorrallo dijo...

tenía pensado hacer un viaje a Granada para verlo pero mi pobre conomía no me lo ha permitido esta asemana santa asi que lo pospondré un poco pero me encanta que se construyan cosas así. Además de camino puedo ver el Parque de las Ciencias y divertirme un ratico

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