29 ene 2013

Bubble series

by Melvin Sokolsky
in 1963

“With the awareness that I was prone to live in my own head much of the time, and inclined to severe self-criticism, I began to have doubts whether I could create images on film that reflected the images in my mind’s eye.”
The Bubble was produced in ten days of Plexiglass and aircraft aluminum for the hinged rings. After a successful test run, Sokolsky was off to Paris to shoot the Spring Collections for Harper’s Bazaar. The challenge was to position a telescopic crane at each location from which the Bubble would be suspended. Using his favorite model at the time, Simone d’Aillencourt, she would get into the Bubble that was suspended a few feet off the ground, (hinged at the top like a Faberge Egg) so that it could easily swing open for entry. After being locked in safely and able to breathe due to the space between the hemispheres

images & text via http://blog.iso50.com/

23 ene 2013

Cylindrical illusion

Recently I have been working on illusion for a retail project. What an amazing installation will be if we change the scale of the picture above by making that mirror cylinder 5 meters high and we create a landscape on the floor around it... just saying if some curator wants to buy the idea...

imagine LEGO

simple and beautiful, full stop

22 ene 2013

Cage and Mirror

by Studio Jeppe Hein

Ready made curtain

by Roan & Erwan Bouroullec

Some objects are designed based on a need that no one else has approached before. This is a clever, beautiful and elegant design for something that most of the times is really ugly and have not been thought for a long time.

The Ready Made Curtain requires the participation of the owner in its making. Everything one needs to fix the curtain is provided: a hanging cord, wall fixings, pegs, and a selection of Kvadrat textiles.

“The ambition was to create a new system that allows anyone to install a quality curtain in r
ecord time. Little skill and few tools are needed, margin for error has been considered and perfection isn’t an absolute requirement. In fact, the charm of the imperfect in opposition to the overly sanitised interior, is something we believe in,” note Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec.

all images and text via 

21 ene 2013

ruben ramos, arquitecto

Europan 11. Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain

Yebes City Council, Guadalajara, Spain
Reserve of the Biosphere Center in Arrecife, Lanzarote, Spain
Lleialtat Santseca cultural center, Barcelona, Spain


Here I am sharing with you the work from my ex-colleague and friend Ruben. A talented Architect who has been "forced" to leave Spain in order to fulfill his dreams. 

Aqui os presento el trabajo de mi antiguo companero y amigo Ruben. Talentoso arquitecto que se ha visto obligado a abandonar nuestra madre patria como muchos de nosotros...

Performance Architecture

images via http://popcornweb.net/

David Pocock

You know about my obsession with rugby players... I am thinking seriously about getting treated but before that here it is the player of the moment for all of us admires of the male human body. David Pocock who was recently chosen as the sport stud of the year 2012. 

Here are want to share with you a selection of what he posts on his Facebook and Instagram:

We also love him because of his commitment with social causes:

Ya sabesis de mi obsesion con los jugadores de rugby, pero antes de tratarme de mi enfermedad quiero compartir con vosotros el jugador australiano David Pocock. Es el jugador del momento y no porque sea el mejor del mundo sino porque a sido elegido por un blog como el Sport Stud de 2012.
Y no solo nos gusta por su "ay oma" cuerpo sino porque tambien dedica su tiempo a causas sociales, cosa que le hace parecer que tiene cabeza y no solo musculo.

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