Name: Marlon Teixeira. Agency: Way Model Mgmt. Age: 16 Height: 6'1 1/2" (187cm) Place of Origin: Balneario Camboriu/Santa Catarina, Brazil. Ethnic Origin: Half Portuguese, 1/4 Indian, 1/4 Japanese. Birthsign: Virgo How discovered: My grandmother introduced me to Anderson, Way Model´s owner, who is a great friend of our family. (Also with Wilhelmina - New York, MGM - Paris, Premier - London, Fashion - Milan) Favorite things: Learning new things, traveling, surfing, going to the beach, movies, kiwi juice. Favorite music, band: "Faz Parte Do Meu Show"by Cazuza. But, I am very ecletic. Hobbies: I love surfing. Favorite piece of clothing: Jeans, flip-flops and a basic t-shirt. Favorite artist (any kind): Philip Seymour Hoffman and Cate Blanchett. Place you'd love to visit: Indonesia, Maldives, Hawaii and Australia. Currently you're obsessed with/about: Growing up professionally and learning as much as I can from this business.

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