Everybody in here is capable of magic,
everybody here is capable of changing people's life,
making people's spyrits think,
pushing people's bottoms,
getting people to believe in a dream.
That is what art is all about,
art is about creation,
and creation is about life,
life is about unity.
We bring people together,
we unite people,
we get ideas and we have dreams,
and we bring them to life...
And when we go out on the stage tonight,
we are going to connect to the audeience,
and they are going to become one of us.
Everyone is equal,
performers are equal,
and the people in the audience are equal.
Enjoy this moment,
I don't know if it'd ever happen again...
Madonna se pone mística, trágica y magnética en el comienzo del Behind the Scenes su nuevo trabajo Sticky and Sweet...
Madonna gets mystic, tragic and magnetic at the begining of her new album Sticky and Sweet Behind the Scenes...
If life is about unity... and if she brings people together... is she God?..
... No!! is David Banda!!!

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