If I have to talk about myself; if I have to talk about my past, present and future,
A very visual example realted with this idea are the social networks at the
For this reason when I talk about Seville the city where I was born, the Spanish
If I have to talk about myself; if I have to talk about my past, present and future,
A very visual example realted with this idea are the social networks at the
For this reason when I talk about Seville the city where I was born, the Spanish
4 comentarios:
Curro me ha encantado como te ha quedado, está chulísima. A ver si me puedes mandar los jpgs enteros que aquí se ven cortados, me encanta ir descubriendo la nebulosa de tu mundo a través del diseño gráfico. Un abrazote
que bien hablas niño!!! jajaja y dí que sí, raíces flamencorras que pa eso eres un Vargas!! Un besito internacional!
Qué bonito, no?
Ya se yo a quién pedirle HELP con cosillas de estas... jajaja
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