24 ene 2014

Andrew Salgado studio visit

Last Saturday morning I woke up earlier to have the great opportunity of visiting one of my favorite artists studio. Andrew Salgado works and lives at Shoreditch, London. His studio is no bigger than a normal size living room with white walls, just one window and cardboard all over the floor to protect it from the paint that is everywhere. He has a corner with paints and pictures that inspires him. A low cabinet seats underneath the window full of books, sketch books, speakers and his laptop. And on the other side of the room there is a table literally full of a mess of paints and brushes, that he probably tried to tidy up that morning without any luck. We could have a chat with Andrew in person and heard from his mouth his inspiration, his process working, technique and some of the theory behind his pictures. We were treated as real VIP fans of his work with coffee and breakfast. He was such a charming host and I have to admit a really attractive man.

Andrew self portrait


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