11 jun 2009

Industrial Design from the A to the Z >>> Aa

Voy a inaugurar otro bunch of posts que a su vez me servirá para ir estudiando y adentrándome aún más en el mundo del diseño. Voy a hacer un repaso de la A a la Z de los principales diseñadores, creaciones y movimientos del siglo pasado.

I am going to inagurate a new buch of posts which are going to provide me an excuse to study the main designers, creations, objects, schools, etc. from the A to the Z.

Avar Aalto

One of the giants of the 20th century of design and architecture. He began working with his wife Aino Aalto. They formed Aino Marsio.From this time he started to experiment with laminated wood. One of his main designed pieces is the 42 arm chair considered the Worden version of the Mies cantilever chair. The 60 stool designed for the Viipuri Library is a simple and surprisingly solution for the problema of joining vertical legs to an horizontal seat.

The main charactic of Aalro is his very skillfully work with the bent lines. This lines became a symbol of the move towards a softer, more natural and humanistic functionalism, finally to be encapsuñated en the term “Made in Scandinavia”. Glass is also a material capable of taking almost any form, his main creation is the Savoy vase.

42 armchair, 1932

60 stool, 1933

Savoy vase (now Aalto), 1936

41 armchair, 1931

Aalto Finish Pavillion

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